• Health,  Las Vegas

    The Wearable for Stressed Out Parents

    The work-from-home situation because of COVID19 can cause stress for parents! Once a tranquil 8 hour getaway to the office of uninterrupted workflow is now very different. Our home has a little toddler, a barking dog, deliveries, and other interruptions. One of the ways we have allowed dad to work in peace is to let him use the TouchPoints vibrating wearables. They have silicone watch straps and vibrate intermittently in various intervals and speeds.

    TouchPoints are a perfect gift idea for any of your WFH friends – they serve as an effective solution for managing stress, anxiety, and focus issues, in addition to enhancing his performance and sleep. TouchPoints are worn on either side of the body, and have been proven to actively reduce 70% of stress in just under 30 seconds.

    They were designed to provide fast relief from stress and anxiety at the push of a button. Using gentle, haptic micro-vibrations called BLAST (bilateral alternating stimulation tactile), TouchPoints give the user a gentle vibration that affects the brain and alters the body’s fight, flight or freeze response to restore calm nervous system functioning. This not only helps to reduce the amount of perceived stress experienced, but also the associated body sensation that comes with it (i.e. stomach butterflies or tightness in the chest etc).

    TouchPoints retail at $159.99 on https://thetouchpointsolution.com/

  • Baltimore

    Getting Long In The Tooth? How To Handle Your Dental Health

    As time moves on and you get older, the sad truth is that your body starts to get a whole lot more creaky than it was when you were younger. That seems unfair, because you probably now spend a lot less time eating pizza for breakfast and drinking beer for dinner than you did when you were twenty-one. But even if you’ve always treated your body like a temple, it does get a little worn down as the years pass – and one thing that gets particularly tired is often your teeth. It seems a little cruel that we only get one new set of teeth in our life and that’s when we’re about six. But the fact is that your teeth don’t grow back, so you have to take great care of them. Luckily there are plenty of ways you can do that…

    Keep Brushing

    First and foremost, you should make sure that you keep brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes. When we’re taught dental hygiene as kids, there’s a reason that brushing your teeth is the cornerstone of that – and really the absolute least that you should do. Brushing your teeth removes plaque, which is the sticky film that builds up on your teeth over the day and leads to tooth decay after it interacts with sugars and starches on your food to start slowly eroding your tooth enamel. Use a dentist approved electric toothbrush and make sure you reach into all the nooks and crannies of your mouth, brushing both the fronts and backs of your teeth to make sure they’re all squeaky clean. Wait half an hour after you’ve eaten to brush your teeth, as eating can soften and weaken your enamel, meaning that it’s easier to damage if you brush them then.

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    Start Flossing

    You might think that you don’t need to floss if you brush your teeth regularly. But on the contrary – flossing will help to remove plaque from areas of your mouth that your toothbrush can’t quite reach, meaning that it’ll help your teeth to become even cleaner and less likely to suffer from decay. Plaque tends to build up between your teeth so it’s important that you remove it. Curve the floss around your tooth carefully and make sure that you take note of any pain or bleeding as that might indicate that you’re suffering from gum disease.

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    Eat Less Sugar

    You can improve your dental hygiene vastly by cutting down on sugary food and drinks like soda, cookies, cake, chocolate and candy. The sugar can cause tooth decay and cavities – it erodes the enamel because it creates acidic build up in your mouth. It’s time to cut the sugar out of your tea and coffee and make sure that you steer clear of hard candies as they cause more damage as they’re in the mouth for a long time. You could also try to cut down on acidic food, like vinegar, ketchup and pickles. It’s hard to make huge dietary changes so make sure that you just cut down on these foods instead – it’s important that you try everything in moderation.

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    Smoke And Drink Less

    Unfortunately it’s time to start cutting down on the cigarettes and alcohol – less unfortunately, this is great for your general health and not just your teeth. But dental wise, you’ll find that your teeth are much less likely to be stained yellow if you quit smoking and you’ll be at much less risk for gum disease. You’ll also find that it’s much easier to keep your breath smelling nice. And you’ll also be less likely to suck sugary mints and gum! Meanwhile it’s important to cut down on the booze because like with sugary drinks, alcohol can destroy the enamel on your teeth, leaving you very susceptible to infections. Tell your family that you’re planning to cut down on smoking and drinking so that they can support you. If you’re having problems with it, talk to your doctor or try out a support group. People who are trying to quit smoking often have a lot of success with nicotine patches or inhalers – whatever works for you is best for you.

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    Watch Out For Tooth Sensitivity

    If you notice that your teeth are sensitive to certain foods or to hot or cold temperatures then it’s a good idea to book an appointment with your dentist to get it checked out as it could be a sign that you’re getting tooth decay. Make sure that you start using a toothpaste that’s suitable for sensitive teeth to brush with. If you have sharp pains, call a company like 24 Hourly Dentists for an urgent appointment.

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    Stave Off Bad Breath

    You’ve probably already discovered from far too close encounters with strangers and colleagues and sometimes even friends that a lot of people suffer from bad breath. Chances are, if you do, you’re probably so used to it that you don’t even realise. Test to see if you’ve got bad breath by licking the back of your hand. Once the saliva has dried, sniff it. If it doesn’t smell the greatest, then congratulations – you might just have halitosis. Bad breath is often caused by dental problems like tooth decay and tooth infections, so it’s a good idea to talk to your dentist so you can get it sorted out as quickly as possible. Invest in a tongue scraper and remember that although mouthwash can help the problem, it definitely isn’t a permanent solution.

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    Go For Regular Check Ups

    It’s important that you visit your dentist on a regular basis to get your teeth checked out. You should make sure that you aren’t suffering from gum disease – the early stage of it is called gingivitis and unlike the later stages of gum disease, it’s reversible, so if you suspect you may have that from red or swollen gums then you should get it checked out and treated as soon as you can. You should also make sure that the hygienist cleans your teeth on a regular basis so the plaque is fully removed from your teeth and your risk of cavities is lessened.

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    Get Yourself Treated

    If you have a toothache, make sure that you get it treated. There’s no point in soldiering on and telling yourself that it’ll go away – chances are you’ll end up in an excruciating amount of pain and you’ll wish that you’d gone to the dentist when it was just a little twinge. If you have toothache, it could be an infection, which occur when bacteria gets through the tooth enamel. It can be caused by gum disease, tooth decay or a cracked tooth.


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    Remember Fluoride

    Look at the side of your toothpaste tube to make sure that it contains fluoride. It’s a chemical that protects your tooth enamel which is generally found in toothpaste and mouthwash, which can help to prevent the build up of plaque in your mouth, which in turn helps to prevent periodontal disease – or gum disease. Swish the mouthwash with fluoride in it around in your mouth for thirty seconds to make sure it hits every part of your mouth – and finally, make sure that you don’t swallow it!

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    Stop Grinding Your Teeth

    If you grind your teeth, which is often caused by stress, then it’s important to make sure that you stop as it can damage your teeth and cause you a considerable amount of pain. If you do this at night then it might disturb your partner – if not, then your dentist will probably notice, and could prescribe you a mouthguard so you have a lot less jaw pain and headaches.


  • Asian,  Austin,  Australia,  Baltimore,  Las Vegas,  London,  Los Angeles,  Miami,  New York,  Toronto,  Vancouver,  WorldWide

    Look on the Bright Side: Valentina’s Naturals

    We all have stressful days – whether you’re going through a breakup, feeling overwhelmed at work or there’s just too much to do in so little time. No matter how bad your day is going, the Sunny Outlook Collection by Valentina’s Naturals is infused with mandarin, lemon and ginger scents to lift your spirits and bring a smile to your face!

     Every morning you walk out that door, your mood will largely determine how the rest of your day goes. Greet any situation with a smile and it’s bound to turn out better. Be your own sunshine. This will help.

    The Sunny Outlook Collection by Valentina’s Naturals includes Bath Salts, Hydrating Massage & Body Oil, Natural Body Mist and Perfume Oil.


    unnamed Bath Salts 


    Sprinkle a handful into a warm tub and create your own transformative bath-time rituals.


    Price: $3.50, available online via www.valentinashomebrewed.com.

    unnamed-1 Hydrating Body & Massage Oil


    Deeply moisturizing and yet quickly absorbed, our body oil is a great post-bath or shower ritual for morning or night.


    Price: $14, available online via www.valentinashomebrewed.com.

     unnamed-1 Refreshing Body Mist


    A light and refreshing moisturizing body mist made from the simplest natural ingredients. Indulge in a few spritzes before you get dressed each morning – it’s a great way to carry your intentions with you throughout the day!


    Price: $12, available online via www.valentinashomebrewed.com.

     unnamed Perfume Oil


    Naturally free from harmful chemicals, petroleum-based artificial fragrances and drying alcohol, this little perfume roller lets you stay focused on your highest intentions all day long.


    Price: $14, available online via www.valentinashomebrewed.com.

  • New York

    Food Tips from @KeriGans

    5 Foods That May Contribute to Stress at Work

    1. Foods High in Caffeine – Caffeine intake sometimes carries a negative connotation, but as with many things, moderation is key. Small daily doses of caffeine – try and stick to 16oz. or less – is OK. Black coffee and tea, for example, are not only a lot lower in sugar than most soft and sports drinks; they’re also rich in antioxidants which may help reduce the risk of certain diseases and ultimately be beneficial to overall health. The harm in caffeine comes with its over-consumption. In large amounts, because it’s a powerful stimulant, caffeine can cause anxiety and loss of concentration, in turn leading to loss of productivity and heightened stress on the job. Some people are more sensitive to caffeine than others. If you feel yourself becoming jittery or irritable after multiple caffeinated beverages, it would do best to limit your intake.

    2. Sodium-Rich Foods – Though 24% of the respondents in the “What’s Your Healthy?” study report wanting to avoid unhealthy foods with more regularity, sodium rich fries, chips, and deli meats are still lunchtime favorites. An excess of sodium causes the body to retain fluids, which may cause hypertension. Though research is unclear on whether or not stress alone can result in prolonged high blood pressure, sticking to a diet low in fat and sodium can be best. Small changes, such as ordering a simple grilled chicken sandwich with avocado and lots of veggies on whole wheat bread instead of a huge sub weighed down by cheese, meat and high sodium condiments, may help keep blood pressure down. Of course, other lifestyle changes including regular exercise, adequate sleep, and meditation can also help keep hypertension and stress at bay. If you’re an office-dweller, break up your 9-to-5 with a quick walk around the block if possible, if not, even simple stretches at your desk can be beneficial.

    3. Junk Foods – While it’s fine to indulge your cravings every now and then, if you find yourself making frequent trips to the office vending machine, you may want to re-consider that afternoon bag of candy. While packaged sweets and other quick-fix snacks seem to satisfy cravings, their effect is temporary and typically result in feelings of sluggishness and hunger. Not only do they leave you feeling famished, most junk foods are simple carbohydrates void of protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals, the same dietary essentials which assist the body in regulating stress levels. We also know that frequent consumption of high-calorie, high-fat foods can lead to weight gain that can bring a whole slew of health issues – such as, obesity, diabetes and heart disease. So instead of a visit to the vending machine bring a healthy snack to work with you that could keep your body energized, such as a low-fat plain yogurt with berries, raw veggies and hummus, or an apple with natural peanut butter.

    4. Fatty Foods – Research will support that eating a fatty meal may heighten the unhealthy effects of stress on the heart, like raising blood pressure. When we think of fatty foods, pizza, fried chicken and mashed potatoes most likely come to mind first; but we may also be consuming lots of fat in other types of foods we don’t think of. For example, if you are consuming a large amount of 100% whole fat dairy (such as cheese, yogurt, milk) daily you may also need to be concerned. Instead of pouring full-fat cream in your daily cup of joe or drowning your cereal in full-fat milk, try 1% low-fat or nonfat milk for starters or try alternatives like almond or soy milk. It may take awhile to adapt to the new taste, but starting your day with a heart-healthy beverage is worth the switch.

    5. Alcohol – Even if your alcohol intake doesn’t match Don Draper’s on the job, studies show that it’s the light or light-to-moderate drinkers who cause more problems than their heavy drinking counterparts, and the reason is their hangovers. . Hangovers may kill your chance at productivity and subsequently increase your stress. Partaking in a glass of wine or beer at a business lunch also may not benefit you. Though 37% of the respondents in the “What’s Your Healthy?” study report drinking less alcohol than they did five years ago, many of us still imbibe regularly, and sometimes, while in the presence of colleagues. While your intention may be to take the edge off, you may be surprised to learn that your choice of beverage is actually having the opposite effect. While it may lower our inhibitions, reaction time and sense of judgment, research shows that alcohol also stimulates the release of cortisol, also known as the body’s ‘stress hormone.’ When you’re on the clock, stick to sparkling water or another non-alcoholic alternative.

    Keri Gans, MS, RDN, CDN, a registered dietitian/nutritionist, media personality, author of The Small Change Diet, developed the below tips onfive foods that may be contributing to your stress at work.  

  • Uncategorized

    Let’s talk about STRESS

    I think that this time on the calendar is one of the most stressful times in a year, the time of year (in Toronto at least) when the heat cools down and the calm, ‘lax, lifestyle becomes the time to analyze what’s next and drive harder than ever before. All positive vibes, no doubt, but with this positivity… also tends to come… STRESS! I’m not going to pretend, myself included, so I decided to look into some ‘stress relievers’ and of course here are some good ones for you… xo

    YOGA – I love yoga, I use it, it works, try it

    SEX – quote: “women exhibited less of a stress response after ‘positive physical contact’ with a partner”.

    EXERCISE – pick one, there are a million, may I suggest something that involves a bag?

    FOOD – always does wonders, in moderation

    TALKING – What woman doesn’t want to talk to someone they trust about the things that stress them out? If you are a one who doesn’t, please comment, and kudos to you 😉

    HERBAL SOLUTIONS – some enjoy tea, others enjoy natural enhalation… for the ideal candidate, this is a great de-stresser

    SLEEP – most of us, especially the hard working go getters, don’t get enough of this… depending on what decides enough is

    FUN – with all the stress that life throws our way, it always helps when we remember to have fun

    MASSAGE – all I say to this is “MMMmmm”

    Hope this helps Loves… xoxo

    *HeyDoYou is for the cute, clever and connected*