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    Los Angeles Street Art

    One of my favorite things that I appreciate is street art. It really livens up a neighbourhood, changes a boring metal fence and makes you stop and think about the beauty that surrounds us. Here’s some LA street art I came across the past few days. Enjoy!

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    Belvedere ONE X

    Word on the street is that this is your new summer DRANK. Jet Set girls all over the world are ordering the one x cocktails. What do you know, the Goose and the Bel are head to head once again. The site is dope and Kanye hearts it. The first bottles of Belvedere IX (pronounce “One X”), Belvedere’s new vodka with 9 ingredients: guarana, ginger, jasmin, ginseng and cinnamon… and its bottle designed by André… + and it’s 50%.

    These are the magical ingredients for a fun night. Why? Let’s see…

    guarana = energy
    ginger = anti-nauseate
    jasmin = reduce stress
    ginseng = improve stamina
    cinnamon = improves memory

    I think you can see where this is going…

    Remember when we blogged about the new club XS…
    Street art collabs = dope.