The Various Benefits of Having a Humidifier in Your Home

There are places in the world that can be considered dry or have lower than normal levels of humidity. Cold seasons, especially winter, also cause humidity levels to drop because winter air can’t hold as much atmospheric water vapor as warm air. That’s why a place experiences low levels of humidity when outdoor temperatures drop below freezing point.

Low humidity levels can po a lot of problems to the health, such as dry skin, chapped lips, headache, sinus congestion, dry cough, and eye irritation. According to health experts, the ideal humidity levels indoor should be between 30 and 50 percent to avoid such health risks.

For you to maintain this level of humidity, you need an air humidifier in your home. If you don’t know the various benefits of having an indoor air humidifier, I listed them down below. So take a read!

Minimize the Risk of Infections

Dry air can accelerate the growth of bacteria and viruses that bring diseases. In the winter season, for example, flu and viral colds are prevalent due to low levels of humidity. The good thing is that you can prevent them from growing and spreading if you keep the humidity at a normal level.

In a study, it’s concluded that a 40 percent humidity level can lower the infectivity levels of influenza virus to around 14 percent. At below 23 percent level of humidity, on the other hand, the virus can retain its infectivity at approximately 75 percent.

Alleviate Cold and Flu Symptoms

If you get the viral cold and flu due to dry air, you can help yourself recuperate faster from this illness by using a humidifier while you sleep. An indoor air humidifier can help ease and loosen the congestion in your nasal passages, allowing you to breathe more comfortably. It can also relieve sinus headaches and sore throat.

Ease Asthma

Indoor humidifiers often help people who have asthma to breathe a lot easier, especially if a respiratory infection aggravates their asthma. Symptoms of this medical condition worsen when humidity levels are low because low air moisture can increase irritants in the air that may hamper your breathing and cause respiratory allergies.

That’s why you should consider using an indoor humidifier along with an air purifier to prevent an asthma attack. However, it’s important to consult the doctor before you use a humidifier in your home.

Prevent Dry Skin and Skin Irritation

Did you notice your skin when there’s little moisture in the air? How it flakes, dries, wrinkles, cracks? Well, that’s because dry air takes away the moisture in your skin, leading to these unsightly skin condition.

For sure, this is incredibly uncomfortable on your part. When this happens, you’ll realize the importance of an indoor air humidifier. Having a humidifier in your home helps set ideal indoor humidity levels to prevent your skin from getting dry. If you’re living in Arizona, you can read this Humidifiergeek Arizona guide if you want to buy a humidifier.

Maintain the Shine of Your Hair

Insufficient atmospheric moisture can make your scalp and hair become dry. Drying of the hair and scalp can then lead to itchiness, hair fall, and dandruff. The collagen in your hair needs just the right amount of moisture. That’s why it’s important to keep the right level of humidity in your home.

Protect Wood Furnishings

One of the reasons that can damage your wooden furniture is dry air. Yes, if there’s lack of moisture indoors, your wood furnishings may crack and split. So if you want to protect them and preserve their beauty, you should have a humidifier in your home.

Keep Your Indoor Plants Healthy

Indoor plants are essential to maintaining good air quality inside your home. However, they can also be a victim of dry air. When there isn’t sufficient water vapor in the atmosphere, your indoor plants can shrivel up and die. For you to keep them healthy, having an indoor air humidifier is a great idea.


An indoor air humidifier is essential to maintain the acceptable humidity levels in your home. Insufficient moisture in the air can lead to a lot of problems. It can cause dry skin, cold, flu, dry hair, sinus congestion, etc. However, you can prevent those problems if you have an indoor air humidifier.