Our Tech Guru: An Introduction

Hi! My name is Ivan Gaton and I’ll be your Tech Guru for HEYDOYOU! I’m an avid fan of all things tech related and I want to help you make your life a little easier and your home a lot smarter! Being a New York native, I’m no stranger when it comes to being exposed to new tech. I’ve worked in various technology companies over the years and seen the trends that come and go. But the best part of being around all of it, is seeing how you can utilize these tools to empower your lifestyle. After all, why work harder when you can work smarter?

A picture of me!
Just looking casual, as always.

When I am not writing about the latest gadgets, I usually am watching sports (avid NYCFC and Yankees fan), taking mobile photography or writing a draft for my latest comic idea. I also have a strange affinity for Dunkin Donuts coffee.

Don’t be shy and follow me!
_ivangaton (For Blogging and Photography)
gatonivan (Follow my Art Page too!)

@ivangaton (Twitter!)