Someone Like You

A very special friend called today and told me about this video… I’m not sure how I missed it’s premiere back in September, maybe because I’ve been so invested in the album!

During a major break-up, the simplicity and “realness” of Adele’s ’21’ album got me through and brought me out on the other side… more grown, with more wisdom and more strength. I remember, when I first fell for this song, wondering how the creative direction of the video would go… the words are so powerful… what approach would be taken?  I think director, Jake Nava, did an incredible job of committing to the inevitable flaws of love, romance and heartbreak with the smoky black and white lens-view… in the quiet streets of Paris. What city would be better for a song like this? There’s no marital drama or agressive undertone of this video, it’s just the realness that I’m sure each reader of this blog has experienced… when the heart has built you up to a place that someone else disappoints you at. Someone like you is the finale track on the ’21’ album and leaves the listener with chills and thoughts to digest, Adele has an epic way of unveiling the emotions that we’d all love to keep hidden. The interesting afterthought is that in actuality, the artist Adele is full of beauty and bubbly personality… perhaps an example that ‘this too shall pass’ and that we are strong enough to encounter it all, even the depths of unrequited love . PS: I’m in love with that stellar Moschino trench; Enjoy this video!!! xo