(NY) Mysterious Guy #4

I was on the F train last week heading to the Pro Keds event and I saw this fine fella.  I noticed his square handkerchief in his blazer pocket, I noticed his Varvatos-esque boots and of course his fingerless gloves. But more so it was his magnetic aura that interesting people all possess.  Anyway, in my previous post about how ‘he has to match my fly‘ – I am always amused when my thoughts manifest into reality.  I got off at 2nd street and left for the event.

Then I called Joey telling her I swear I felt like he wanted to talk to me too lol. But I was too chicken. So here is the twist of Guy #4… you ready? HE WAS HEADING TO THE SAME EVENT.   So anyway needless to say, he is just as awesome as I thought. Justin Bridges, stylist and owner of Tucked LLC.
Til the next one…

*HeyDoYou is for the cute, clever and connected*