Random Thoughts… I love ma’ B*tchez

Life is a crazy, busy place… we’re all trying to work through and stay ahead of the race. But sometimes its time to chill and from time to time, when I do, I’ll go through some of my favorite blogs and catch up on what I miss, one of these being The Segment. While Nebby and I don’t know each other very well… “Gurrrrrllll… you keep me entertained!!!”!!! No, but honestly, I love The Segment, Nebby & Andy keep us educated and entertained on all things (and opinions) in the current. Anyways, while reading through past postings, I stumbled across an entry from last month with the image below and under reading “Do you agree?”…

When I read through the different ‘friend’ descriptions, I thought to myself… “That sounds like Chelle, that one is Tasha & Ry, this one is Kesh, that one is Leslie…” “Cins, Tam, Rose, Yvonne, Nik, G, Summer, Liz, Bossy, Krista, Bella, etcccccccccccccc” then I started thinking “well, that’s a bit of each of them” and “both of them are like that”, until I came to the conclusion that I am fortunate enough to say that each of my girlfriends have a lil bit of the ’12 qualifications’ listed. Whether we have been friends for 20 years or 2 months, I have an incredible core… we each walk different paths, that all interconnect in the places that are most important!!! To my friends, every… last… one… of… you… you make a difference in my life and for that, I LOVE you!!! And to the world… watch out… because I love ma’ B*tchez!!! So, to answer the question… I do agree & believe in exceptions to every rule; a similar article could be… “12 things every woman deserves to find in her girlfriends”, or something there-so related lol!

Disclosure: plz do not be offended by any particular lack-of-mention, if u know ur one of my boss b*tchez then u know ur in my heart! xoxo

*HeyDoYou is for the cute, clever and connected*