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    How to Fatten Up

    This makes me sad 🙁 Looks like it’s not the occassional Happy Meal or that random chocolate bar that ruins your diet plans. Check out these 2 sneaky fatty fatters:

    The Worst Food in America of 2009: Baskin Robbins Large Chocolate Oreo Shake, 2,600 calories, 135 g fat … “more than a day’s worth of calories and three days worth of saturated fat, and, worst of all, usually takes less than 10 minutes to sip through a straw.”

    Worst Sandwich of 2009: Quizno’s Tuna Melt (large), 2,090 calories, 175 g fat … “Puts tuna’s healthy reputation on the line. A large homemade sandwich would likely provide one-fourth of the calories.”

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