• New York

    Caboodles for the Holidays

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    Everyone had a Caboodle growing up! They are perfect for organizing all your beauty and crafts in one easy place. Consider a Caboobles for the Holidays for those on your list. No wrapping paper necessary, Caboodles new holiday collection of beauty organizers are decked in silver & gold! These glittery totes & train cases are so chic they’ll get even the Grinchiest gal into the holiday spirit!
    Caboodles are available online and in stores nationwide (Ulta, Target, Walmart etc.) so they’re the PERFECT go-to item for a last minute gift run (we know you’d NEVER put it off ’til the night before, but maybe if your friend needed a quick fix 😉 Bonus points for outfitting your Caboodle with a lil something extra – maybe sneak in a shimmery nail lacquer or use a Caboodle as the worlds best gift card holder!

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    This one is great for putting all your small items in. You can use this at the office too with your pens and chargers too!

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    This 10 piece set is my all time favorite! It is perfect for organizing, trips, small items and in your purse. If you need essentials like bobby pins, fragrance, eyeliner or blogger sheets, this is an easy way to keep everyone in one place so you don’t have to dig through your bag!

    Screen Shot 2014-11-08 at 5.57.06 PMThe Classic Caboodles!