(London) CAISA Fashion Show

As some of you might know, I am a University of Western Ontario grad, class of ’04. During my time there, I helped produce 2 fashion shows and one of them being CAISA. Well they are back and at it this year and doing a massive call for partners, supporters and talent.
CAISA (Canadian Asian International Student’s Association) Fashion Show, the largest student run charity fashion shows across Ontario. Our focus is to fundraise for the Children’s Health Foundation, an organization which commits its efforts to giving children their rightful chance at a healthy life.  This year is our 13thanniversary for which we have set a goal of raising $20, 000 towards the innovative Palliative Care Program at the Children’s Hospital located here in London. CAISA Fashion Show has had great outcomes in its past events of which has allowed us to donate over $80,000 to CHF and anticipates that the 2011 show will entail an even greater outcome with your support. In terms of the show itself, we feature mostly clothing donated from retail stores in addition to independent local and student designers.
 This year’s show will be held on Saturday, March 19th, 2011 at Centennial Hall.
If you are are interested in getting involved, contact Celine Cho.
Marketing Manager, CAISA Fashion Show*HeyDoYou is for the cute, clever and connected*
University of Western Ontario