• Asian

    In the Biz: Project Runway Designer Spotlight Angela Sum @byangelasum

    Where are you from/where do you live?
    born in HK, raised in Toronto (moved there at age 8), moved to NYC after uni, moved to LA just 4 months ago.

    If there was a theme song in your life, what would it be?
    –I really don’t have a good answer for this!  ‘Feel this moment’ ft Christina Agu

    What advice would you give to someone who wants to do what you do?
    –Stay hungry, stay humble.  I think because of my humble beginnings (having to work for a lot), I appreciated every bit of opportunity I got.  I worked hard in everything I did.  I did really well in Waterloo comp and well in the finance-tech world, but I never settled, I didn’t get comfortable.  I still brought lunch almost daily, and I kept my rent cheap.  I wanted to prepare for the day I wouldn’t have a comfortable pay check and might not make income for years.

    What is the key to being successful/to stand out in your industry?
    It’s not one thing.  Talent itself won’t be enough.  I think it helps to be realistic and to be practical.  You need to plan but you also need to be flexible and adaptable–that’s something I’m learning since the corporate world was a lot more clear.  I’m still just starting so, I can’t say I’m successful or stand out enough quite yet to answer this question.

    What is your favorite quote?
    I really like this one I saw recently: Never trade respect for attention!

    Where can people find you online?
    twitter/instagram @byAngelaSum
    angelasum.com –on its way to be re-worked
    After so many years doing fashion as a side hobby, I’m finally starting up my line, so watch out for a new collection on www.angelasum.com.