That Tricky Fall Fashion @HanesHosiery @coopandhen @limecrime

Step to Love

The weather is so weird!  I remember Octobers to be snowstorms and now it is unseasonably warm in the 20’s!  The only way to make sense of this strange weather and what you should wear so you don’t get sick is difficult.  The one key item that will make a world of difference in your ootd (outfit of the day) is HANES tights!  These babies will give you the right transition from summer to fall and day to night.  this could easily be a summer outfit if you rocked this with bare legs but because of the textures – Pony hair flats from Coopandhen and the denim jacket with heather sleeves from Rag & Bone, this is now your perfect fall outfit.  Hanes has a wide range of textures, opacity and colors so make sure you pick up at least 3 pairs to get you through November.  A bright lip is my signature look so thank you to Lime Crime  for being the cherry on top.