Pet Toaster from @PangeaBrands

If you are dog owner like me your mornings probably include a quick breakfast and then walking the dog before you even start your day. I love starting my way with my dog because it is a great way to get focused and relax before rushing out the door.  What could make my mornings better? ummm a PET TOASTER!!
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Pangea Brands is now offering a toaster that emblazons your favorite dog breed right onto your bread…its the best way to wake up to your dog in the morning! There are currently offer 13 dog breeds, plus one universal “I Love My Dog” toaster and the brand new “I Love My Cat” toaster. Our current breeds: Bulldog, Chihuahua, Collie, Dachshund, Scottish Terrier, Greyhound, Labrador, Poodle, Golden Retriever, Yorkie, Boxer, Great Dane & German Shepherd.
Product info:
• Two slice toaster
• Features your favorite dog breed
• Toasts your bread with your dog breed silhouette
• Adjustable toaster settings
• UL tested and approved