Watch Where You Pee

3 dogs died after peeing on an electrical pole in the west end Toronto….The whole sidewalk was electrified and the salt puddles etc… this is crazy! A dog was electrocuted Tuesday after trying to relieve itself near a hydro pole in a west-end Toronto. The dog’s owner called 911 at around 2 a.m. from the scene at Baird Park, close to Keele and Annette Street. Firefighters tried to resuscitate the animal but were unable to save it. Though the two dogs were killed metres apart, both from walking on electrified ground…The dog was electrocuted by this metal plate in the photo above…There are 40000 of them in Toronto and an in person inspection for each of them is underway. The article in National Post.

So… what the hell…where do I walk my dog now? At Eaton Centre?

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